About Roommates.com

For over 15 years, Roommates.com has been connecting those looking for someone to live with.

How it Works

Create a Profile

Upload photos, provide details, and complete your profile in minutes. First impressions are important! ⭐

Set Preferences

Answer some questions about yourself and the space you wish to share, and we'll find your matches. 🦾

Get Matches

We show you your matches! Safely connect with your matches through our built-in messaging system. 📱

What are some benefits of having a roommate?

More Money

Rent, utilities, and other household expenses can be expensive, but when you split them with someone else, you'll have more money left over for the fun stuff. You might even be able to afford a nicer apartment than you could on your own.

More Time

Having a roommate means you can split household chores and make your life easier. Cooking, cleaning, and other household tasks can be split up between the two of you, making it easier to keep things clean and tidy.

More Friends

Your roommate might have friends or acquaintances that you can get to know, expanding your social circle. Plus, you might find that you enjoy doing things together, like going out to eat or exploring your city.

How we keep you safe:

Roommates.com offers ID verification to let members prove to others they are a real, verified person.
When an account is ID verified, this means they’re a verified real person. You can see if an account is verified if they have this icon by their name. Keep yourself safe by preferring to communicate with verified users!

Learn More at Our Blog

January 17, 2025
New Plans, New Prices: Roommates.com
January 17, 2025
Preparing for Tax Season

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